Welcome to the Bair Homestead!
I am Julie, otherwise known as "Mom" and have been married to my dear hubby for 16 years. We bought this farm from hubby's grandparents and our children are the 5th generation on this farm. This place holds a dear place in my Beloved's heart, he has wanted to own this farm since he was just 3 years old! I am so grateful that that Lord allowed us to be able to live here and raise our children out here in the country.
We raise beef cattle and have had hogs and chickens in the past. Our last batch of chickens was killed off by mink and we are hoping to get more chicks this year. Esther is the gardener and she is planning a nice size garden this year so we can freeze and can some produce for the winter.
When I'm not doing the wife and mom things I enjoy sewing and knitting. I am a custom dressmaker and have several dresses on order at the moment. My main client is our pastor's family, they have four girls and I make alot of their dresses and headcoverings for the mom and two oldest girls. I usually have a running list from them of items to work on. In addition to their sewing, I have been asked to make a prom dress out of camouflage satin for a client and I am also making a formal dress for Esther for the State DAR Convention coming up in May. *whew* I'm going to be busy sewing the next several weeks!
So glad you are living your dream. We are city folk with the dream of country living. Welcome to homestead blogger! I would love to hear more about your gardening endeavors as we are attempting to do what we can with what God has given us.