I've decided to spend Thursdays sharing about what needlework I'm currently working on. I have many needlecraft interests, so there may be a variety of current projects. More than likely there will be at least one sewing project, plus some knitting and/or cross-stitch or whatever other item has my current attention. 
This week I'm knitting some Christmas socks. I can't say who they are for, but I think he will like them.

This week I'm knitting some Christmas socks. I can't say who they are for, but I think he will like them.

I'm currently caught up with my custom sewing for clients, so it's time to get some sewing done for the family. I've been losing weight and it's time for some new clothes for Momma. I've had this piece of featherweight corduroy for a year or two. I fell in love with it when I saw it and have had it in my stash just crying out to become a dress for me. I have my pattern pieces just about ready to lay them out and cut out my new dress. Yay!

Isn't it pretty?
What are you working on this week? If there is enough interest, I'm thinking of making a button and adding a Mr. Linky so we can all see what everyone is making. What do you think?
What are you working on this week? If there is enough interest, I'm thinking of making a button and adding a Mr. Linky so we can all see what everyone is making. What do you think?