For Today...
Outside my window... sun is shining and birds are chirping
I am thinking... mentally making my To Do list, I really need to write it down
From the learning rooms... everyone is back at school today - yea!
I am thankful for... Esther's return to health, she is still fighting a sore throat, but is MUCH improved!
From the kitchen... another warm day today, so going to have Chef Salads for supper tonight
I am wearing... pink t-shirt and denim jumper, still need to get my tennis shoes on!
I am reading... I picked up The Love Dare this weekend and have started reading it
I am hoping... to get a lot of housework done today to bless my hubby
I am creating... a beautiful pink formal dress for Esther (still haven't started Esther's dress, and her piano recital is less than 2 weeks away!!!)
I am praying... that I make wise use of my time
Around the house... very messy right now, going to be working hard today!
One of my favorite things... a nice cup of tea
A few plans for the rest of the week... I need to go to Rural King and get a couple of things for Toby here on the farm and Isaiah has a dentist appointment later this week, other than that, it will be cleaning and sewing for me
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
Azalea picked for me by my 13yo son, aren't they pretty?
Join others at ~The Simple Woman's Daybook~ and let us know what you are doing today!

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