Ramblings of a SAHM living the life on 17 acres in rural Indiana.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Well yesterday afternoon it was raining quite good and the sun came out. It was so pretty with the rain and sun but then we looked out the kitchen window and saw a rainbow. We all went outside to look at it and right above it was another faint one. As we watched the rainbow kept getting brighter and brighter and it looked like it ended in the neighbor's field. The boys went chasing after it and came back and said it actually ended in the woods so Mom explained to them why it looked that way, Surprisingly I was able to get a couple pictures of it so here they are. Isn't it pretty? I am so glad that this is God's promise to us. I don't think we could ask for anything prettier than this. Everytime I see a rainbow I remember the promise he made to us and how we will never have to go through what Noah and his family went through.
I love the pictures. Every time I see a rainbow I think about Gods promise. God Bless, mj