Ok, I failed to post last Thursday. I'm so glad Esther went ahead and posted it on her blog last week. Thanks, Esther!

I still haven't made my dress out of the black and pink rose corduroy. I do want to get it made this week yet so I can wear it on Sunday to church. I'm in a ladies quartet and we have special music this Sunday, a new dress would be nice to wear for that.

I'm still working on the black & gray socks. The first sock is finished and the second sock is 2 rows away from starting on the heel flap. Obviously, I've gotten a bit more done on the sock since this picture was taken.

As soon as my dress is finished I need to start on costumes for the children's Christmas play at church. I have 11 metallic gold jingle bell costumes to make and 22 plain cotton worker vests. I've already bought about 1/2 of the metallic gold fabric for the bell costumes and I need to go stash diving to see what color and how many yards of plain fabric I have for the worker vests. The play is December 13th, so I need to get busy and start sewing like crazy. *whew*
So, what are you making this week? Are you working on any Christmas presents? Are you sewing? knitting? quilting? any other needlework? Please come share what creative endeavor is going on at your home!
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